
Rank Perks


[NOVICE] Rank in-game (White color)

Access to /sell all

Access to /recipe

Access to /me

Set up to 3 homes

2 Backpacks

Access to /near

Access to /stack

All Particle Cosmetics

Boss selections

All Novice perks in /perks

Start up to 4 quests at once

[Novice] Rank in-game (White color)


Access to all Banner cosmetics

Set up to 5 homes

2 Backpack rows (/bp)

Ability to set an item as a hat (Hold the item and type /hat)

Portable Enderchest (/ec)

All Apprentice Perks in /perks

Start up to 5 quests at once

Access to /namecolor

Access to /disposal
Access to /hat

All perks of previous rank(s)

[Apprentice] Rank in-game


All Apprentice Perks

All Hat Cosmetics (Different than /hat)

Set up to 9 homes

3 Backpack Rows

Access to /sit (Sit on the ground anywhere you please)

/workbench (Mobile crafting grid)

Modify Item Frames (/itemframe)

Access to /lore (Put lore on items!)

All Hero Perks in /perks

Start up to 6 quests at once

All perks of previous rank(s)

[Hero] Rank in-game


All Apprentice and Hero Perks

All formats and colors on signs

All Animated Hat Cosmetics

Access to /vanish (Completely vanish from all normal users, however the entire /vanish command must be used)

Set up to 15 homes

4 Backpack Rows

Sneak right click signs to edit them

Access to /rename (Rename your items!)

All Master Perks in /perks

All perks of previous rank(s)

[Master] Rank in-game


All Apprentice, Hero, and Master perks

All Suit, Pet, and Emote cosmetics

Chat in all colors

Set up to 30 Homes

Chat in italics

5 Backpack rows

/anvil (Mobile anvil)

/pweather (Sets your players custom weather)

Able to /crawl

All Grandmaster Perks in /perks

Access to /chestsort

All perks of previous rank(s)

[Grandmaster] Rank in-game


All Apprentice, Hero, Master, and Grandmaster Perks

Set up to 100 Homes
/disguises - Set disguises
Edit armorstands

Access to /fakerank

6 Backpack Rows

All Cosmetics Access

All Chat Formats and Colors

(Excluding Obfuscated, as it can lag players)

All Wizard perks in /perks

All perks of previous rank(s)

[Wizard] Rank in-game